Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dog Waste Bags

Most cities and suburbs these days require some sort of visible proof that a dog walker is carrying a bag or other means to dispose of the dog’s waste. The easiest way to avoid being stuck without a bag is to tie a few to your dog’s leash, or to purchase one of the many inexpensive bag dispensers that attach to the leash with a zip-tie or Velcro.

If you go through dog bags frequently, consider switching to the biodegradable dog waste bags. They are made of cornstarch and will break down in landfills. I never considered these until I came across the term “little plastic coffin” to describe conventional plastic bags used for dog messes. The idea of my dog’s waste preserved inside a non-biodegradable plastic coffin for centuries just grossed me out, so I switched to the biodegradable kind so it can get back into the earth faster. Beware the imposter biodegradable bags – they say “degradable” on the package and have tons of eco friendly looking words but unless it says BIOdegradable it is fake and just a marketing scam.

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